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Strollers: A Buying Guide - Find the right stroller for you and your little one

by Melissa Wilson, Baby Editor

Getting Started
A stroller is unquestionably one of the most frequently used and indispensable items you'll need for your baby. These four-wheeled wonders come in all shapes, sizes, and fabrics, with every feature you can imagine. From active and all-terrain strollers; easy-to-handle, lightweight ones; sturdy, classic carriage strollers; and much more, it's no wonder that shopping for one can often be an overwhelming experience, especially for the first-time parent.

What to Consider Before You Buy
Because your stroller will most likely be used on a daily basis well through the toddler years, it is important to find the one that best suits your lifestyle and budget. Also keep in mind that your stroller needs will change as your baby grows and you may find one--or more--that is just right for you.

So how do you choose between a luxurious pram-style carriage, a rugged jogger stroller, or a super lightweight and compact model? Naturally, safety and comfort are high on your list of priorities. But there are several other important things to consider before you begin shopping:

Your Lifestyle: If you plan to do a lot of walking, you'll need a sturdy model with good suspension. If you rely on public transport, size, weight, and portability are essential considerations. Check how quick and easy it is to fold for catching a bus or negotiating a flight of stairs. If you are doing more walking than driving, you'll need a stroller that can take you around the block and downtown. If you're a suburban driving machine, you will be A-OK with a model that is lightweight, stores easily in your trunk, and has good maneuverability. For the athletes and outdoorsy types in the audience, a jogger might be just what you are looking for.

Space Limitations: How big is it, folded and unfolded? Will it fit in the trunk or back seat of your car? Will it fit through an average-size door? Can you take it on a subway or bus?

Stroller Weight: If a lot of lifting and climbing stairs is expected, choose a lightweight stroller. Trying to coerce a heavier model up or down stairs isn't safe for you or baby.

Your Child's Age: Only strollers that fully recline are appropriate for babies under 3 months old, while a convertible stroller will take you through the toddler years. If you have more than one child, a double stroller is an obvious choice (be sure to get one that fully reclines if you have one or more young infants). And, for toddlers, a lightweight or umbrella stroller is just right.

Your Height: While your baby's comfort and safety are most important, remember to also consider your height and stride when making a choice (longer legs take longer steps). Your stroller needs to be comfortable for both you and your partner, so look for a model with adjustable handle height if you plan to share pushing responsibilities.

Wheel Type: Unless you are looking for the additional stability offered by the fixed-position and oversize wheels usually found on joggers and larger prams, fully independent wheels are recommended for mall and supermarket use. Their caster-like movement allows for the best maneuverability and many models feature a locking device to point the front wheels straight forward for added stability.

Will This Be Your Only Stroller?: Many parents have two (or three) strollers for various needs. A full-size stroller is great for longer, bumpier rides, and the ultracompact umbrella fits everywhere from your trunk to an overhead bin on an airplane. If you're only buying one, keep portability at the top of your list.

Sanity-Saving Features: When you are shopping for a car, you usually know if you want AC or power door locks. There are many innovative and sanity/time-saving stroller features available today. Some models boast the beloved one-hand-fold feature, which you'll find indispensable while packing your baby and your stroller back into your car; others have all-terrain wheels; and still others have parent trays. Bells and whistles can sometimes make all the difference; other times, they seem silly. Plan ahead and think about what you can and cannot live without.

Your Budget: It is possible to find a great stroller without spending a fortune. And, of course, you can find subpar strollers at sky-high prices. However, more often than not, you get what you pay for. Think carefully about the features you need, and then narrow by budget. Your purchase could potentially last you from your child's infancy well through the toddler years, so investing in a quality pick might be more economical in the long run.

Types and Key Features
For something that is supposed to be a convenience by its very nature, the search for the perfect stroller can be quite an overwhelming experience. Never fear. Here's a look at the basic types:

Considered the "limousine" of strollers, full-size strollers offer numerous convenience and comfort options. Although heavier than other styles, there are some full-size models designed with aluminum frames for easier maneuvering as well as rust-resistance. Ranging from English-style buggies to feature-rich rugged models, the full-size stroller is a great all-purpose pick. Most are typically convertible--that is, they can be used as a carriage or a stroller, so they grow with your baby. Full-size strollers are appropriate for newborns because they have a full-recline feature, shock-absorbing suspension system, and oversize wheels to keep baby comfortable while strolling over varying terrain, and they remain suitable for use until your child reaches approximately 3 or 4 years of age.

Features may include: Multiple-position seat recline and strong back support, removable weather boot, extra seat padding, removable front tray, large storage basket, European-style canopy, reversible handle for conversion to carriage, dual wheel brakes, and adjustable footrest.

Age range: If the stroller reclines fully, it is appropriate for a newborn. It can be used with children up to 3 to 4 years of age.

Midsize strollers are designed to be portable and fold easily and compactly. You will most likely find the greatest range of prices ($40 to $500) and features in this category. Made of aluminum, the frames are relatively lightweight (typically just over 15 pounds), durable, and easy to maintain. Because of these features, they offer a smooth ride for city dwellers or those who enjoy longer walks. Because they are a bit heavier than a lightweight, they are sometimes not the best choice for travel. Although the convenient midsize strollers will offer your infant a safe and comfortable ride indoors and outdoors, only those models that offer a full-reclining seat feature are appropriate for use with newborns.

Features may include: Easy-to-use folding mechanism, midweight body (typically just over 15 pounds), canopy, and roomy storage basket. Deluxe models may include features like a fully reclining seat, extendable handle, and larger, all-terrain wheels.

Age range: If a midsize stroller fully reclines (and most do), it is safe for your newborn.

Lightweight & Umbrella
Light as a feather and easy to fold, lightweight strollers generally offer the most basic features and are made to store easily in an overhead bin, trunk, or closet. While these lightweight models are unbeatable for quick jaunts to the store, many parents find that they aren't as comfortable for children on longer stints as their midsize or full-size counterparts. Still, many parents feel a lightweight stroller is great to have when a buggy, pram, or travel system is too unwieldy (while traveling, for example).

Ultralightweight models, dubbed "umbrella" because of their hooked handles, are best when used as a second stroller. If you are looking for a lightweight, affordable stroller that's easy to take along for the ride (or toss in the trunk of your car), this would be the perfect choice. Do keep in mind, however, that umbrella strollers are not recommended for use with newborns or infants who require a fully reclining seat and head and neck support. Featuring aluminum frames and weighing as little as 5 pounds, most umbrella models offer a safety device that prevents accidental closing. Umbrella strollers are available in a wide range of prices according to the features offered, and will last you well into the early preschool years (3 to 4).

Features may include: Aluminum frames, semireclining seat (some fully recline), canopy, one-step fold, locking swivel wheels, and superlight weight.

Age range: If the lightweight stroller reclines fully, it is safe for a newborn; however, most umbrella strollers do not fully recline or have suspension features, so it is best to wait until your baby is at least 4 to 6 months old.

Travel Systems
One of the most convenient innovations in the stroller industry in recent years has been the travel system - a convenience stroller and infant car seat in one. The infant car seat provides head, back, and neck support for your newborn, while keeping baby in a comfortable, reclined position, just like a carriage. With the stay-in-car base feature, the infant car seat can also be used as an infant carrier. This allows you to take the infant car seat from the car to stroller and vice versa without ever disturbing your baby. Many travel system manufacturers have designed these strollers so that the car seat inserts with baby facing you. However, there are styles that allow you to insert the car seat so that baby can either face toward you or away from you. Either style will offer your baby a comfortable and secure ride. Once baby outgrows the infant car seat, it can be removed, converting the system into a convenience stroller. The stroller's own seating and restraint system is used until your child is approximately 4 years old. These strollers are designed to fold quickly, easily, and compactly for storage, and offer many features that will make it a comfortable ride... for both of you.

Stroller features may include: Child play tray; parent cup holder; 3-point or 5-point harness system (not overhead); removable, washable pad; all-terrain, swivel wheels; brakes that set with a lever or foot pedal; seat recline; and storage basket.

Infant car seat features may include: Canopy, level indicator, ergonomically designed handle, head cushion, stay-in-car base.

Age range: Newborn (for car seat) to toddler (stroller).

Want to bring baby along for the workout or for an adventure in the great outdoors? You'll recognize a jogger stroller by its unique design. Many are three-wheeled vehicles, complete with comfortable seating, a parking brake, a storage basket, and all-terrain wheels. Most are made to fold quickly, easily, and compactly and are great for travel. Because jogger strollers don't offer a fully reclining seat, most pediatricians recommend not using them until your child's 6-month mark. Most joggers can hold up to 75 pounds, but truth be told, your child will probably outgrow the seat before then. Also keep in mind (with young babies in particular) that while most jogger models are designed for some bumps along the trail, if you are planning on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or are traveling over very rough and rocky terrain, it's probably best to leave baby safely at home or try a backpack instead.

If you are a serious road runner, look for smooth tires--the bigger, the better. If you will be running on fire trails, strolling to a soccer game, and so forth, knobby tires, with better traction, are the way to go. If you live in a wet climate you may want to invest in aluminum rims and an aluminum frame (which prevents rusting and is more lightweight). While aluminum is typically more expensive, you'll probably find that it is worth it in the long run.

Features may include: All-terrain wheels; wrist strap; hand brake; durable, weatherproof fabric; sturdy construction; adjustable handlebar height; better suspension; and a storage pouch.

Age range: Most pediatricians recommend waiting until your baby is approximately 6 months of age. Depending on its size, you can use this type of stroller well into the toddler years.

Double & Triple
If you're the lucky parent of multiples or if you have an infant and toddler in your household, walking them by yourself may sound next to impossible... unless you have a stroller made especially for more than one child. Double and triple strollers offer the convenience of walking two (or three) children at the same time as comfortably as if you were walking just one. These strollers are also handy for carrying a child and groceries, once one child has outgrown it. They are available in a wide variety of fabrics and features. Double strollers are appropriate for newborns only when the full-reclining seat feature is available and can be used until your toddler is approximately 4 years old.

There are two types of double strollers:

Front-to-Back (Tandem) Style Front-to-back style: infants face forward, one in back of the other. These strollers fold easily and compactly for storage or travel. For maneuverability, this is a good choice; however, there is that "front seat" issue. Some models, however, do give the back seat a "boost" so that both babies can enjoy the view. The front-to-back style is best if you have an older child and a newborn. Features may include: a single canopy hood, separate canopies, individually reclining seats, rear wheel brakes, fully retractable rear seat for a sleeping infant, removable/washable pads, separate footrests, and restraining straps with safety buckle.

Side-by-Side Style Infants sit next to each other. These strollers are lightweight and fold quickly and compactly. Most will fit through normal-size doorways, although due to their sheer width it can be difficult to maneuver this "minivan" of sorts through grocery stores, crowded events, or if your children vary greatly in size or weight. The side-by-side style is most commonly used by parents of twins (or two or more children of comparable weight). Features may include: European styling, thick padding, removable/washable pads, individually reclining seats, single shared canopy, storage basket, footrest, and restraining straps with safety buckle.

Age range: As with the single stroller, if the seats recline fully, the stroller is appropriate for a newborn. You can use it until your children are 3 to 4 years old.

Stroller Frames
A great way to utilize your existing infant car seat is with a stroller frame. The metal frame of the stroller actually allows you to snap most major infant car seat brands into place. These frames are made to be extremely lightweight, easy to transport, and fold compactly--making them great for travel. A storage basket is also usually included.

Stroller Accessories
Much like with a car, you may find that adding some accessories, such as a toy bar, a canopy, or an infant headrest, can make your four-wheeled wonder a better place for baby. Check out our selection of stroller toys, weather shields and umbrellas, stroller covers, and infant headrests.

Compare Strollers
Not sure where to begin? Try using our handy comparison engine. Simply click on the yellow buttons below to compare different strollers--feature by feature. Choose from top-of-the-line, bestselling, entry-level, or editor's picks.

Safety Tips
• To keep your baby safe and sound while strolling, the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) suggests you follow these guidelines:

• Choose a stroller or carriage that has a base wide enough to prevent tipping, even when your baby leans over the side.

• If the seat adjusts to a reclining position, make sure the stroller doesn't tip backward when the child lies down.

• Always secure the baby by using the stroller's seat belt.

• Don't hang pocketbooks or shopping bags over the handles. If your stroller has a shopping basket for carrying packages, it should be low on the back of the stroller or directly over the rear wheels.

• Use the locking device to prevent accidental folding and apply the brakes to limit rotation of the wheels when the stroller or carriage is stationary.

• When you fold or unfold the stroller, keep your baby's hands away from areas that could pinch tiny fingers.

• Look for the JPMA Certification Seal.

Parlez-vous stroller? If not, try our handy glossary--filled with a few stroller-related terms that may be new to your vocabulary.

• all-terrain wheels Think mountain bike tires. These rugged rubber tires don't necessarily give you more traction and a smoother ride but are great if you are pounding more than smooth pavement. You will find them featured mostly on joggers and some carriages and prams.

• canopy This fabric--sometimes collapsible--shield helps protect baby from sun, wind, and rain.
5-point harness This type of harness consists of five straps: two at the shoulders, two at the legs, and one at the crotch. This allows parents to adjust the harness closer to the infant's body and is easy to buckle and unbuckle.

• weather boot This fabric "pod" usually snaps onto the stroller seat or bar, keeping baby's legs and feet warm and dry.

Melissa Wilson acts as both Infant and Toddler Toys editor and Baby editor at Her "kid-filled" background includes several years as a nanny, cofounding a children's birthday party business, and a stint as copywriter and editor at a children's software company.

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